How I Found My Inner Acrobat Zur Bearbeitung hier klicken There are so many different Yoga Styles, it is a jungle out there. My latest discovery: AERIAL HOOP YOGA. Mercedes is a great teacher. She was incredibly patient with me. I thought I was fit..I thought I was strong, since… I thought I was a Yogini...BUT: the muscles you work with practicing Aerial Hoop Yoga are completely different. Mercedes started our class with a complete head-to-toe-warm up and then we tried some classic hoop positions. "Man/woman on the moon" (first picture) is my favorite position. Aerial Hoop Yoga was extremely challenging for me and at the same time so much fun and relaxing.
I discovered my inner acrobat - what an experience ! Thank you Mercedes and Selina Santa Teresa!
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VanessaHeilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie, Körpertherapeutin und Yogalehrerin. Außerdem arbeitet sie als Journalistin/Reporterin. Ehrenamtlich engagiert Vanessa sich für das Heimatland ihrer Mutter als Botschafterin von Haiti Care e.V. Archiv
January 2025
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